I decided to start a blog about my keto, hunting and all over life. I have to say its really not that interesting but I love writing and wanted to start again. Back in May of 2017 I had just moved into our new house. I had a new 5 month old baby and a 4 year old. I had gained 70lbs from pregnancy and it was not coming off. I was eating so much to keep my milk supply up for my baby... Well that was what I was telling myself.
By June of 2017 I was in the 180's and the scale was rising. I was depressed and hated going out. I was talking to my neighbor about my weight. She told me that she had lost 30 pounds doing this new fab diet called keto. I was hooked, I have always been anything to lose weight, but we will get into that later. My neighbor and I decide to try it out together to be each others support.

We are started on a Monday like you always do with diets that you decide to try. 2 days in... my neighbor quit. She let me know she was having a hard time sticking to keto while being a stay at home mom.. Ok I was a full time working mom and it was hard too. I kept going, let me say that we did not go into this by doing any sort of research. She told me you quit sugars, grains and potatoes. Then you eat a bunch of cheese, bacon and nuts with some meat somewhere in there. I did not have set macros. I basically eat some grilled chicken, cheese and of course lots and lots of bacon.
I did start losing weight but a month I finally started doing my research and keto. KETO IS NOT JUST THE BACON AND CHEESE DIET. Keto is a balance between carbs, protein and fats. I got my set marcos on what I needed to eat. I added in more low carb vegetables and more protein. Also ate less bacon and cheese. I was steadily losing weight. Some weeks I wouldn't lose anything. My full on weight loss took a year. Losing weight fast is not healthy losing weight slowly is the healthiest way to go.

I am now on almost two and half years of the keto diet. I have lost about 60+ pounds. I have learned that this is not a fab diet but a complete lifestyle change. I have learned that I do not want to ever go back to eating the way I did before. All the reasons that I made back then were only excuses to not find a healthier way of eating.
I have had some bumps in the road but it has never stopped me. It has shown me that I am human. I am going to make mistakes. I just get learning from them and getting better. I have spent the last year showing and helping others how keto can help their lives. I hope writing this blog will help others in their lives.